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Heroes 5 Core Programs

Provides funds for families to cover daily items such as: Bills/Basic Needs




Provides funds to celebrate milestones such a: Birthday

Religious Celebration

Celebration of Life



End of Treatment 

Provides funds for sperm and egg retrieval, primarily used for teenagers before they begin their chemo journey. 

Provides new laptops to children battling cancer, providing a link to friends, family and school. 

Provides funds to families when a child looses their battle with cancer. 

Heroes 5 Core Programs



* WHO is eligible to receive financial assistance?  Anyone child from birth to age 22 who is currently receiving treatment in one of our partner hospitals.

* DOES Heroes discriminate towards race, ethnicity, religion, gender, financial status, etc.?  NO... Cancer is no respecter of persons and neither is Heroes for Children.  If you are receiving pediatric cancer treatment in one of our partner hospitals you are eligible for financial assistance with Heroes.

* HOW does Heroes for Children provide assistance to the families?  We cut checks every single Friday to our eligible families via a check or through ACH directly to their bank account.  From point of application to financial assistance into the hands of families averages 5 to 7 business days.

* CAN I volunteer for Heroes for Children?  YES.  But we prioritize our volunteer opportunities for our groups of Young Leaders, Superhero Sponsors, Heroes Sponsors, or those who do a Heroes Blanket (ex. Fundraiser Events, Family Social Events, and Special Projects). If you are a single individual who needs volunteer hours for schools or community service we DON'T have those opportunities available. 

* HOW can a family apply for financial assistance with Heroes for Children?  Great question.  The Social Workers at our Hospital Partners are the only ones who can apply directly with us. This allows us to qualify and get assistance to families fast and also allows us to protect us against fraudulent applications.

* CAN families apply more than once?  YES.  Families can apply for assistance through our 5 Core Programs up to 4 times within a year.  There is a waiting period between each application.

* HOW can a Children's Hospital partner with Heroes for Children?  Great question.  We are currently expanding nationwide with Children's Hospitals that have a dedicated pediatric oncology unit and desire for us to partner with them as a resource to help families who have a child battling cancer not fight their battle alone.  Contact us via



Frequently Asked Questions

Heroes 5 Core Programs

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